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Books written by Global 21's President Joseph Aoun | GLOBAL 21
Pour faire face aux défis en constante évolution
Facing challenges - in constant evolution
Français   English
The specialists in intercultural
and in intelligent marketing

Books written by Global 21 's President Joseph Aoun




ebook version too


 ebook version too

ebook version too


Gérer les différences culturelles

A bestseller that has been reedited in June 2011
 ebook version too


Le marketing intelligent
Book of the month marketvente.fr



Manager une équipe multiculturelle - JOSEPH AOUN 


Le management intelligent

Top 10 Sales Team Management Books amazon.fr            

Finalist Nomination 2007, Prize of Best Business Books, COOP HEC, University of Montréal.

To know more about the above books and published articles concerning
Joseph Aoun
go to  www.google.ca and type the following search: "les livres de Joseph Aoun"