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Intercultural Interview Techniques | GLOBAL 21
Pour faire face aux défis en constante évolution
Facing challenges - in constant evolution
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The specialists in intercultural
and in intelligent marketing

Intercultural Interview Techniques


  • Identifying best candidates from various cultures
  • Explore ideas to avoid intercultural recruitment mistakes
  • Applying effective techniques and tools to the selection process
  • Adapting the interview process to the present context while meeting the organisation's needs
  • Practice and integrate the new techniques during training
  • Develop your skills as interviewer in a multicultural world
  • Equip yourself to conduct selection interviews valid and effective in the current context


  • Personnel selection challenges and solutions
  • Understanding the consequences of mental scheme in recruitment and how to manage it successfully
  • Taking into account the cultural aspect in every recruitment. The risks of not taking this into account
  • Adapt recruitment criterias to various cultures
  • Adapt recruitment tools to a multicultural recruitment
  • Reading non-verbal signs and candidates answers
  • Understand and manage pitfalls
  • Adapting approach to various types of candidates
  • Identify a precise behaviour. Practice intercultural interview techniques for this behaviour and for others
  • Creating an intercultural interview questionnaire
  • Essential measures for every intercultural recruiter. Risks of not taking them into account
  • Mistakes to avoid in multicultural recruitment


Telephone: 514 849-9842
Email: info@global21.ca